
Social Networking Addiction Of New Generation

With the advancement in technology, communication has grown. It is now easier and cheap to communicate and connect with people across the world. The issue of distance is no longer an excuse for lack of communication. Communication systems have grown from wired devices to wireless devices. The internet has also brought adverse changes in the forms of communications that are available and currently being used. It has led the rise of social networks. Here you can communicate and share your thoughts with many people at the same time. It is easy to share information like pictures, advertisements, videos and text messages. To many people, it is perceived as a form of entertainment. However, being in social sites enhances communication. There are many types of social sites and it is on oneself to choose the one that they are comfortable with.

Social Networking and Keeping in Touch

Social networks allow people to keep and manage accounts. This is an identity and you can custom it depending on how your target group knows you. This makes it easy for individuals to search for you and get you. You also have a choice to invite people to your account. This makes it easy to link with family members, friends, classmates and colleagues. Social sites allow for the creation of groups. This is based on the likeness of ideas and goals. This makes it easy to communicate with people you have a common goal. You can post important messages in the groups and every member can contribute their thoughts. Social media can be seen as a perfect replacement to conferencing. It is cheaper and though it may not allow for video calls, it gives a platform to post clips and photos.

Social Share and Care in Social Networking

Social Networking makes it possible to reach many people in a very short time. This has led to the creation of a site that is involved in helping the community. Sites like Linked are dedicated to helping those people who are hunting for jobs. Candidates create their resume and CVs and upload them to these sites. Employers just need to make a search of the qualifications that they are interested in. They can also advertise for jobs on these sites and be sure of getting highly qualified persons. Social sites have also been involved in social care by spreading the news in cases of danger. Messages on these sites get to many people in a very short time and this greatly helps in saving many people from potential danger.

Social networking and it's growth

Social networking sites have recorded phenomenal growth rates. These networks allow individuals to leverage the connections they establish within the social network to achieve a broader objective like job search, a real estate search, a holiday trip plan, etc. A social network allows independent artists, music labels and video content owners to upload share and sell their content to a community of users with interests in the particular media. Users in turn benefit by being able to sample, hear, download and share songs with friends and other members. Social network groups like Orkut help people get in touch with people they have lost touch with. They also help people to stay in touch despite their geographical distances. Social networking is important as far as an individual’s personal and professional development is concerned. The social network sites have emerged as a powerful and effective means for people to not only link and get linked but to use these services as effectively as possible. The growing popularity of these networking sites only proves the simple truth – Social networking has arrived!


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